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The season never ends for runners

Winter trail running

Winter Trailrunning

When does the running season start in the Engadin? For that it would have to stop first! But it doesn't stop here. If you want to, you can even run here in winter.

Thanks to the prepared trails, nothing stands in the way of running in the snow. With the right equipment, the season never ends for trail runners - and that's exactly what they get in the Engadin.

Anne-Marie Flammersfeld running fast
faster then winter Anne-Marie Flammersfeld Anne-Marie Flammersfeld running fast

Criss-cross through the winter paradise

We have an extensive network of excellently and daily prepared winter hiking trails. Nowhere is it written that you are only allowed to hike here. Of course, they are also intended for trail runners.

The uncomplicated 3.6 km run from the Marguns mountain station to Chantarella, for example, enchants with a magnificent view over the Inn Valley and with a fairy-tale snow-covered mountain world all around. In the valley, the vastness of "La Plaiv" beckons. A name that describes the extensive section of the Engadin high valley between La Punt-Chamues-ch and S-chanf. Discover this region best on the 11 km run from La Punt to the trail destination Cinuos-chel.

Run over water

Whether on the easy-going 10 km round trail to and from St. Moritz via Silvaplana, which leads across the frozen Lake Champfèr on the outward run and back through a snow-covered larch forest, or on the winter trail classic from Maloja to St. Moritz with 17 beautiful kilometers across Lakes Sils, Silvaplana, Champfèr, and St. Moritz - running on water takes on new meaning here.

On the tracks of the eternal ice

"Short but impressive" perfectly describes the educational Morteratsch trail run, which takes you from Pontresina train station directly to the ice tongue of the mighty Morteratsch Glacier. On just under 3 kilometers you run through millennia of the earth's history. Treat yourself to the 16 breaks, where you can learn more about the world of glaciers at the information pillars along the way.

Behaviour rules

The recommended winter trail running routes are located on official winter hiking trails, which are marked with pink posts and signposts. The winter trails are regularly groomed and are especially busy during the high season (from Christmas to the end of February) and on weekends. In various places, the trail running routes also run along or cross cross-country ski trails. We therefore ask trail runners to show consideration for winter hikers and cross-country skiers and not to leave the marked winter hiking trails. By doing so, you also show consideration for wildlife and protected areas. We would also like to draw your attention to the "Tips on how to behave responsibly in the Engadin nature".

All behavior tipps at a glance

Don't forget to dress warm

So that winter trail running ends with feelings of satisfaction and not with a cold, your running equipment should be adapted to the season. Proper equipment should inlcude a "Zwiebellook" with 2 to 3 breathable layers, a cap or a headband for your head, waterproof running shoes, sunglasses, and gloves. An appropriate warm up is also important to allow the muscles to adjust to the sub-zero temperatures. And as nice as an early morning run over crunching fresh snow or an evening run through the forest is - remember: the winter sun comes late and goes early. Reflectors on your clothing and a good headlamp are therefore important companions! And watch out: At night, groomers are out on the trails working.

Photographer: Christoph Gramann
Runner: Anne-Marie Flammersfeld

Further information