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Engadin Magazine

Lifestyle Magazine

Engadin Magazine

Our lifestyle magazine will surprise you with smart content and an elegant design. From high culture to indulgence, from the forces of nature to nanotechnology - anyone who leafs through the Engadin Magazine gets to know our region in all its diversity.

Our new main publication appears twice a year and sets completely new (color) tones: As an inspiration and leitmotif, each issue is dedicated to a color that leads to all sorts of curious, interesting and entertaining insights within the framework of the impressive visual language and the choice of topics .

Subscribe now to the Engadin Magazine

You don't want to miss any issue of the biannual Engadin Magazine? Subscribe now to the Engadin Magazine free of charge and have the next issue sent straight to your home.

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Engadin Magazine No.10 - Air

From the depths of Val Bregaglia, a warm breeze climbs its way up the Maloja Pass, winding around the 13 hairpin bends along the route. That breeze is the legendary Maloja wind, which blows along the floor of the valley in the Engadin, making the local lakes ideal for water sports and giving the light a special glow. The wind carries the scents of the Swiss stone pine forests and mountain meadows into the villages and side valleys, up to the mountains where elite athletes train, and down to the golf courses where players send their golf balls soaring.

Engadin Magazine No.10 - Air
Engadin Magazine No.10 - Air

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Engadin Magazine No.10 - Air

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Engadin Magazine No.10 - Air

Engadin Magazine No.10 - Air

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Engadin Magazine No.10 - Air

Engadin Magazine No.10 - Air

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Engadin Magazine No.10 - Air

Engadin Magazine No.9 - Light

The natural gems of our high valley region glisten in a spectacular light. Visitors are mesmerised by the gorgeous glow. And writers and painters have been inspired by the magical shimmer for centuries. Like Peter Robert Berry II, who gave up his career as a doctor and broke off his engagement to become an artist. At around the same time, another local doctor was starting to use the power of the sun to heal patients. If you’re in need of some Vitamin D – or just want to take a break from the daily grind on one of our sun terraces, we recommend diving into this magazine. You can almost feel the Engadin sunshine on your face as you turn the pages.

Engadin Magazine No.9 - Light
Engadin Magazine No.9 - Light

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Engadin Magazine No.9 - Light

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Engadin Magazine No.9 - Light

Engadin Magazine No.8 - Light

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Engadin Magazine No.9 - Light

Engadin Magazine No.9 - Light

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Engadin Magazine No.9 - Light

Engadin Magazine No.8 - Sound

The Engadin is rich in sounds: from the gentle whisperings of the Maloja wind, to the tinkling of cowbells, the imposing roar of deer and the enchanting sounds of the Rhaeto-Romanic language. And when your mind is filled with the noisy impressions of the valley, then it is time to hike to one of Engadin’s romantic alpine lakes where silence reigns.

Visit us and listen to the sounds of our valley.
We look forward to your visit.

Engadin Magazine No.8 - Sound
Engadin Magazine No.8 - Sound

Here you can read or download the Engadin Magazine No. 8.


Engadin Magazine No.8 - Sound

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Engadin Magazine No.8 - Sound

Engadin Magazine No.8 - Sound

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Engadin Magazine No.8 - Sound

Engadin Magazine No.7 - Visionary

Perhaps it’s down to the special air in the Engadin: the list of people who have thought up new ideas and found their source of inspiration in the valley is impressive. Winter tourism was dreamed up here more than 150 years ago, for example, and soon after, new adventure sports on ice and snow were born. Winter’s latest surprises include twelve world-class athletes from different disciplines who perform their magic on the mountain at the same time – along with a glaciologist who uses music to fight the shrinking of the glaciers. To ensure that ideas continue to flow in future, too, a new centre of innovation is coming to light. We invite you to join the exciting developments: let yourself be inspired by the power of our valley on a visit of your own.

Engadin Magazine No.7 - Stone
Engadin Magazine No.7 - Visionary

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Engadin Magazine No.7

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Engadin Magazine No.7

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Engadin Magazine No.6 - Stone

It's going to be rocky. Let yourself be captivated and inspired by the stories in this issue. They tell of a woman who has an extraordinary connection to Piz Bernina, wants to climb it and does it - what becomes a borderline experience, you take with you into the forest to look for mushrooms and deliver the right recipe to lead from hut to hut and portray the people who lead them with heart and soul to the depths of the secrets of the king of the Alps, the ibex.

Engadin Magazine No.6 - Stone
Engadin Magazine No.6 - Stone

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Engadin Magazine No.6

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Engadin Magazine No.6

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Engadin Magazine No.5

In this edition, you will find stories certain to fill you with wonder and amazement. You will learn how freestyle developed in the Engadin and why whisky is brewed on Corvatsch. You will be introduced to picturesque art with a far-reaching view by Giovanni Segantini and tobogganing and family fun in Madulain. You will be able to marvel at the view of the Engadin from above with a paraglider and learn why firn skating on the Bernina Pass is a unique experience.

Engadin Magazine No.5 - Horizons
Engadin Magazine No.5 - Horizons

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Engadin Magazine No.5

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Engadin Magazine No.5

Engadin Magazine No.5

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Engadin Magazine No.5

Engadin Magazine No.4

"Knock on wood” – this popular saying goes way back to ancient times. Once, when wood was not “only” used for building and handicrafts, trees were worshipped as ensouled beings. Gods, fairies and other mythical creatures lived in them and could be invoked for protection. You would stand in front of a tree, politely mention your request and then touch the bark. These powerful spirits gave their trees much sought-after inner values.

In the Engadin you will find a countless number of these special characters, and to them we have dedicated our summer edition 2021. Our gnarled and sturdy Swiss pines, firs and larches are as diverse as the Engadin. They bear witness to the past, give us strength in the present and will shape the future in their own unique way.

Engadin Magazine No.4 - Wood
Engadin Magazine No.4 - Wood

Here you can read or download the Engadin Magazine No. 4.


Engadin Magazine No. 4

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Engadin Magazine No. 4

Engadin Magazine No. 4

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Engadin Magazine No. 4

Engadin Magazine No.3

Black magic: Sub-zero temperatures and no snowfall: when these conditions coincide, the surface of Engadin lakes freezes to form an almost smooth sheet of clear ice that sparkles, black and mysterious, in the sunshine. There are no snowflakes and hardly any air bubbles frozen into the so-called black ice, which makes it appear transparent. This natural wonder of uncanny beauty is rare, however. On average, the phenomenon occurs only twice a decade, casting a spell on those lucky enough to witness it.

Winner German Design Award Gold 2022

Our Engadin Magazine No.3 issue received the German Design Award Gold 2022.

German Design Award Gold 2022

Engadin Magazine No.3 - Magic
Engadin Magazine No.3 - Magic

Here you can read or download the Engadin Magazine No. 3.


Engadin Magazine No. 3

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Engadin Magazine No. 3

Engadin Magazine No. 3

Now available!
Engadin Magazine No. 3

Engadin Magazine No.2

“Water is fluid, soft, and yielding – but it will overcome whatever is hard and rigid.” (Laozi) The subject of water has always been inherent to the Engadin. What better reason to dedicate this edition to this beautiful and strong element? Enjoy the flow of stories, facts and pictures, which undoubtedly include some useful nuggets of knowledge, too. We wish you an inspiring read.

Engadin Magazine No.2 - Water
Engadin Magazine No.2 - Water

Here you can read or download the Engadin Magazine No. 2.


Engadin Magazine No.2 - Water

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Engadin Magazine No.2

Engadin Magazine No.2 - Water

Now available!
Engadin Magazine No.2

Engadin Magazine No.1 - White

The colour of winter; All snow is not the same: depending on its temperature and age, the versatile white substance can feel and look completely different. Take airy, light powder snow, for example, which means so much to winter sports enthusiasts. In order for this kind of snow to form and last, the ambient temperature must remain continuously below zero: happily, in the Engadin winter, these conditions are pretty much the norm! If a strong wind blows, the uppermost layer of snow is compressed to produce a hard crust. And then there is the unloved slush, from which the meltwater is already running, and which often indicates the end of winter…

Engadin Magazine No.1 - White
Engadin Magazine No.1 - White

Here you can read or download the Engadin Magazine No. 1.


Engadin Magazine No.1

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Engadin Magazine No.1

Engadin Magazine No.1

Now available!
Engadin Magazine No.1