The full-service agencies based in the Engadin know the region inside-out and together boast nearly half a century of experience and expertise. They stand for unforgettable, individual and exclusive events.
What makes a product presentation into a spectacular product launch, a group trip into a thrilling team-building event or a company outing into an unforgettable incentive? The magic formula for the all-round success of an event depends on the perfect balance of creative ideas, loving attention to detail and strong local expertise. And that is the essence of the service that our two partner event agencies in the Engadin offer you at all times – with complete commitment.
Convention Services
Engadin Tourismus AG
T +41 81 830 00 01
Whether with family, friends or company colleagues - the events organized by our event agencies for private and corporate clients guarantee lasting memories of times spent together in the Engadin. The focus is always on having fun, because here the ability follows the desire!