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Corvatsch VIP Snow Night

For one night only, the mountain is yours

The floodlit ski slope on Corvatsch is an icon of the Upper Engadin. The public Snow Night takes place every Friday evening, but on any other night, the floodlit slope can be booked privately: an unforgettable skiing adventure that only Corvatsch can offer.

Two torches at the entrance to the Corvatsch cable car show that tonight is a special night!

To be precise, it's VIP Snow Night. And that means far more than just perfect skiing. For example, canapés and a glass of champagne are served in the spacious cable car. As you chat and enjoy your aperitif, you float up the mountain, with the dreamlike ski slope glistening down below. It is 4.2 kilometres long – the longest night-time skiing slope in Switzerland. Freshly prepared, it’s like a velvety white carpet. And tonight it belongs to you – just you and your friends.

The snow conditions are at their best at night

Way up there, the clear, cold Engadin night awaits you. Strap on your skis, zip your jacket right up to your chin and off you go! The piste feels soft and grippy so that your turns go perfectly and it all seems so easy. It feels almost like powder snow. The piste is never better than on a VIP Snow Night, because it has just been freshly prepared: the piste machine made its last tracks just 15 minutes earlier. Carving on this virgin piste is a quite different sensation from early in the morning, when the piste is also fresh – but hard. Best of all, because only you and your friends are skiing that night, the piste remains in that amazing condition for quite a few runs.

The skiing experience at its most intense

Skiing at night is in any case a far more intense experience than in the day. That's because of the tunnel vision effect: all you can see in front of you is the floodlit piste, and everything round about is in darkness. So you are more focused, your turns are more precise, the air flow is sharper, your breathing is faster, your pulse rate higher… That's why having a break is all the more important. Take a breather and give your burning legs a rest. Soak up the silence of the mountain and gaze down at the twinkling lights in the valley. It's a magical moment – just for you and your friends.

Three restaurants for every culinary desire

At the bottom, you can go straight to the cable car station. No need for a lift pass, and no queueing at the turnstile. Drinks are waiting for you on the platform and there's no waiting for the next cable car. That's because it goes at your command, you determine the number of trips and when you take a break for food and drink. Furthermore, there are three restaurants up on the mountain to satisfy your every culinary wish. The VIP Snow Night Corvatsch makes for an unforgettable night for you and all your friends.

Bookable from Saturday to Thursday, from 7pm. Price on request. 


Corvatsch AG
Corvatsch - Station Surlej
7513 Silvaplana
T +41 81 838 73 73